
Current Position and Professional Functions

Undergraduate student with a double major in Economics & Psychology at University of Toronto Mississauga (Class of 2019).


Dr. Murray Krahn

Education and Training

International student at the University of Toronto Mississauga- Completed high school in Dubai and set to graduate with Honors Bachelor of Science in June 2019.


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Research Interests and Expertise

Zehra is a Research & Policy Intern at THETA- Worked under Dr. Krahn on the ELSI Part 2 study which assessed laypersons’ answers for survey questions about HTA on Amazon Mechanical Turk. In addition, she is also a Research Assistant at the Biopsychosocial Investigations of Gender (BIG) Lab at The University of Toronto Mississauga. She works with children and their parents to understand gender differences and their consequences by asking survey questions and testing in a lab-based experimental setting. Interested in health economics, health administration and policy.


ELSI- Ethical, Legal, Social Implications/Issues of HTA. (Assessing consequences of HTA on laypersons in the healthcare field)

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