Scientific Associate

Current Position and Professional Functions

Yeva is a Scientific Associate at THETA and co-instructor at the American University of Armenia, supervising Master of Public Health (MPH) students.

At THETA she is working as a part of Dr. Murray Krahn’s program of research, currently involved in several projects supporting various research activities including decision modeling, health economic evaluations and statistical analyses.

Education and Training

Yeva received her medical degree from the Yerevan State Medical University. She holds a Master degree in Biostatistics from University of Toronto and Master degree in Public Health from the American University of Armenia. Yeva has received training in decision analytic modeling and methods of economic evaluations. During her years of study she received merit based university-wide awards for her outstanding academic performance.


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Research Interests and Expertise

Dr. Sahakyan areas of expertise include health economic evaluation, decision modeling and statistical analyses. Her current research focuses on economic evaluation of routine collection of patient reported outcomes in cancer patients in collaboration with Canadian Partnership against Cancer. Yeva is also a lead decision modeller in economic analysis of diagnostics tests to predict treatment response in cystic fibrosis patients.

Prior to joining THETA, she has worked as an assistant professor and practicing physician at the Departments of Clinical Pharmacology and Internal Medicine at the Yerevan State Medical University Hospital.


  • Economic Evaluation of Interventions to Systematically Collect and Use Patient-Reported Outcomes and Integrate Palliative Care in Early Practice
  • Economic Analysis of Genetic and Epigenetic Tools to Predict Treatment Response in People with Cystic Fibrosis
  • Estimating prognosis of Canadians infected with the Hepatitis C virus through the Blood Supply, 1986 – 1990 (incl. economic analysis and meta-analysis)
  • Budget Impact and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of a Colorectal Cancer Screening Program in Nunavut Territories
  • Development of a Pan-Canadian Lung Cancer Screening Business Case
  • Estimating the economic burden of Antimicrobial resistance in Canada over the next 10/25 years
  • Cost-effectiveness model of Sevelamer in patients with dialysis
  • Return on investment on novel therapies for Clostridium difficile infection
  • Program Evaluation of Telehomecare for Patients with Heart Failure and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
  • Quality Indicator development project for Ontario Telehomecare Program: systematic review
  • Diagnostic accuracy of portable monitors for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: systematic review
  • Characteristics of Stroke Units in Ontario

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