
Current Position and Professional Functions

Associate Professor in the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Toronto; Adjunct Associate Professor in the Department of Economics, McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada; Associate editor of Health Economics.

Education and Training

BSc (Economics), MSc (Economics), PhD (Economics)


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Research Interests and Expertise

My research interest is in the effects of changes in financing of health care and remuneration of health care providers on the behaviour of consumers and producers in the health care system, with special interest in pharmaceutical insurance/subsidy policy. Current research includes an evaluation of the system of reference pricing of anti-hypertensive and nitrate medicines introduced in British Columbia; and effects of patient cost sharing for prescription medicines on use of drugs and other health services using both administrative health claims and health survey data; effects of patent term extension on R&D activity and drug expenditures; and effects of physician expenditure caps on physician labour supply and service patterns.

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