
Current Position and Professional Functions

Health Service Research (Health Technology Assessment stream) at IHPME


Dr. Nicholas Mitsakakis

Dr. Murray Krahn

Education and Training

Chang Ho is a PhD student at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation at U of T. He has an Honours BSc in Medical Sciences from University of Western Ontario.


Search for Chang-Ho Lee's publications in Pubmed.

Research Interests and Expertise

His research interests focus on statistical methods for economic evaluation and health economics. He is currently working on developing statistical methods for mapping the descriptive quality of life instrument for myelofibrosis patients using MFSAF and MPN-SAF to EQ-5D which is a utility instrument. He is also interested in economic evaluations in HTA such as cost-effectiveness analysis, net-benefit analysis, etc.


  • Mapping the MFSAF (Myelofibrosis Symptom Assessment Form) and MPN-SAF (Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Symptom Assessment Form) to the EQ5D
  • How to improve the engagement of rare disease patients into clinical research using social media
  • Economic evaluation of current drug treatments available for patients with myelofibrosis in Canada

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